How to deal with Stress IN COVID 19

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we are dealing with too much stress during COVID 19. The term of lock down is new for us and people tend to become more depressed than ever before. It is important for us to get opportunity from the stress. Give your opinion about stress management and how are you coping with stress ?

Life also brings with it a variety of obstacles that
frustrate the human mind and can affect the physical body.
There is no question that stress levels have impacted potentially every human
being on the planet since the start of the pandemic in 2020.
The number of people experiencing elevated levels of anxiety has dramatically increased
during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, according to the Office of National Statistics.
Type of Stress 
There are three forms of stress: healthy, acute and chronic. The release of the same hormones, cortisol and
adrenaline, is triggered by all kinds of stress. With each form of stress, what changes is the severity, length and effect.
On a day-to-day basis, we all experience brief bouts of healthy stress like frantic mornings when you're trying to get out of the house because you've oversleep. You may be planning for a major presentation
at work, and the technology doesn't work as planned! These are also the product of a deliberate decision, as we should have set the alarm sooner, or we could have better prepared the technical equipment.
These bouts of healthy tension are rarely harmful to your body and reinforce our body to resist.
We can experience acute stress from activities that increase our adrenaline levels in a positive way, such as sky-diving or watching horror movies. It can only be beneficial for the brain and the body
if it is the product of the purposeful decision you have made. If it is not preferred and has been
forced on you, the consequences may be harsh.For example, the applied stress disrupts the body and mind through trauma, loss or violence.The body and the mind are under intense pressure, which puts an increased strain on the immune system.
Chronic stress builds up over time and the body's cortisol level (stress hormone) rises and then remains elevated for months and years. This kind of stress builds up slowly may be the most intrusive to the mind and body. For example , financial pressures, lack of restorative sleep, relationship issues, and depression can be triggered.
And when it comes to pressures, what are you doing for yourself to help you handle your anxieties and worries? The following are some ideas on well-being to help you think about four different aspects of your physical body that you can pay attention to and take ownership of in a holistic way.
Practicing mindfulness using meta-awareness (the ability to track your emotions, perceptions, feelings ,
and desires as they do) to bring out the quality of your everyday experiences. We may practise mindfulness by tuning our senses; sight, sound , smell , taste and touch.
One of the best ways to start practising mindfulness is by meditation, and you can see a previous blog about the benefits of meditation.
Evidence indicates that mindfulness is a effective technique that can alleviate both stress
and unhealthful behaviours that follow certain people's stressful experiences, such as unhealthful eating.
Next time you feel overwhelmed, note how your mind responds and carry your focus to your normal actions, and then make a better choice to relieve your stress levels.
How are your eating habits to do with your brain?
What you eat affects your brain and your stress levels. If you're nervous, you may be more likely to reach for carbs and sugars. Power your body with food that will improve your energy, mood and overall health.
The general recommendation is to eat more natural foods, berries, vegetables , whole grains and fewer sugar and refined foods. If the ingredients are read in the bag or package, if there are more than six ingredients in the bag or package, eat them less often. Do your best to eat whole foods that are in their most natural shape to enhance your health. Adjust what you're eating, and you will adjust your mind and body.
If there's an eating habit you want to improve and you're struggling to do so, then pick a habit right now and start right now.
If you have been consuming fast food since lockdown, for example, and it causes a detrimental effect on your life, then begin by restricting yourself to just one meal twice a week. Choose the same time of day for a whole week, and choose a time of day that suits your lifestyle. After a month, restrict your consuming junk food to once a week, and again choose the day and time that suits your lifestyle ... give it a shot ... you can make a difference that will difference your life for the better, start today!
Filling your emotional reserves with adequate constructive deposits is the secret to managing stress rates.
One of the best gifts you can offer yourself is making gratitude a life habit.
Gratitude is an orientation to the world's good stuff to notice and enjoy. We run around in life sometimes and we don't stop appreciating the stuff and the people around us because we're too busy to note.
Gratitude is related to a broad variety of advantages: strengthened relationships, physical heaven.
And how do you continue to practise gratitude? You can keep a journal of appreciation or write it in a position of your choosing. Do not look for your phone when you wake up in the morning!
Reach for your journal and take a moment to write three things you are thankful for, or even speak out aloud, and the reasons you are thankful for those things. Write or note one thing every night before you
go to sleep that you're thankful for that day. It is straightforward but efficient.
I hope you take some inspiration from this article during periods of stress to improve your mental health.
Life is full of everyday stresses and our natural response as human beings can either break us or make us. Deal with your life's pressures and choose to bring in some easy steps to ensure that the mind and body are calming.
The challenge is to try to look at the things in the situation that are in your power and focus
on it by raising the consciousness of the problems surrounding the stress when a burden has been put on us. Make a decision to make a small shift in how you care about your mind, your brain, your heart and your body. You're well worth it!